What is CHERNE?

CHERNE is an open European academic network for cooperation in Higher Education on Radiological and Nuclear Engineering

Goals of CHERNE

  • - to share competencies and facilities in organising teaching activities for their students, mainly at the Master level
  • to enhance the mutual support by learning from each other, by exchanging experiences and by regular mutual reflections

How the CHERNE network was born

PAN Erasmus IP: “Practical Approach to Nuclear techniques”
partners: ISIB (Belgium), CVUT (Czech Republic), UPV (Spain)
PAN-2 XIOS-HL (Belgium) & AcUAS (Germany) joined the group
PAN-3 with the same 5 partners of PAN-2

Workshop in UPV, Valencia (creation of the CHERNE network) 
Initial partners:

  • ISIB (Belgium) 
  • UPV (Spain)
  •  CVUT (Czech Republic)
  • XIOS-HL (Belgium)
  • AcUAS (Germany)
  • Faculty of Engineering – University of Bologna (Italy)
New partners: 
  • ETSEIB Barcelona (Spain)
  • Department of Nuclear Engineering of Politecnico Milano (Italy)
SPERANSA-1 Erasmus IP “Stimulation of Practical Expertise in Radiological And
Nuclear SAfety“ participating the same 5 partners of PAN-2 and PAN-3.
2nd CHERNE workshop in UPV, Valencia
New partners:
  • Department of Physics of the University of Messina (Italy)
  • Kansas State University (USA)
  • Università di Catania (Italy)
  • University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz (Germany)
  • ITN, Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (Portugal)


Scope of CHERNE activities

  • The CHERNE network is open to all activities related to higher education in nuclear or radiological engineering.
  • The language of CHERNE activities is English.
  •  Each partner is expected to organise or co-organise at least one activity per year.
  • CHERNE teaching activities are modules of at least 1 week/2ECTS open to the students of other partners.
  •  Attention is given...
    • to include a strong practical part (experimental and/or computational),
    • to minimise the costs for the students, and
    • to involve the participation of young colleagues

Possible CHERNE activities

The following is a list (non-exhaustive) of possible CHERNE activities for 1-2 weeks, including practical part (experimental or computer)

  • Introduction to the MonteCarlo method
  • Probabilistic Safety Analysis
  • Medical applications of radiations
  • Radiation protection in non-conventional sectors
  • Radiochemistry
  • Reactor: practical course
  • Applied plasma physics
  • Reactor thermohydraulics
  • Nuclear detectors
  • Detector electronics
  • Computational methods in safety analysis
  • Material physics
  • Accelerator use and applications
  • Waste management

Some of these activities are already performed or are foreseen for the next future. Please, consult the Activities page where the list is normally updated.