MaraWas: Management of Radioactive Waste
Main objective of the project:
Familiarize students with many aspects of radioactive waste management in different contexts (laboratory, reuse, decontamination, transport, treatment and short and long term management, non nuclear waste monitoring, critical reflections …)
Students can perform practical exercises on portal monitoring of waste, reuse of waste and decontamination and radiological monitoring in a nuclear lab experiment. After the demos, facility visits and introduction lectures and exercises, they are able to propose a procedure for a valorisation or treatment for a specific radioactive waste (NORM, medical, industrial,…), a specific nuclear experiment, a nuclear laboratory or a nuclear transport.
Students can make a critical reflection on the differences in waste managements in a predefined situation.
The IC is mainly focused on experimental activities, demonstrations, site and facility visits, introduction lectures, round table.
In order to facilitate the entry of waste management facilities (3months in advance) students should express their interest by the 15th August 2016 and register not later than 1st September 2016 with full ID.
Registered students will obtain hand-outs of the intended experiments and a task for the round table critical reflection on the differences in waste managements in a predefined situation
Travel expenses and accommodation cost are covered by rules of Erasmus + project : Strategic partnership for students of the members
Accommodation youth hostel Hasselt (20€/night)
One social event sponsored
All visits and experimental costs are covered
The registration is closed.
Thank you for your interest.