MaraWas: Management of radioactive Waste

The main objective of the project is to familiarize students with many aspects of radioactive waste management in different contexts (laboratory, reuse, decontamination, transport, treatment and short and long term management, non nuclear waste monitoring, critical reflections …)
27/11/2017 to 01/12/2017
Expected Outcome: 

Students can perform practical exercises on portal monitoring of waste, reuse of waste and decontamination and radiological monitoring in a nuclear lab experiment. After the demos, facility visits and introduction lectures and exercises, they are able to propose a procedure for a valorisation or treatment for a specific radioactive waste (NORM, medical, industrial,…), a specific nuclear experiment,  a nuclear laboratory or a nuclear transport.

Students can make a critical reflection on the differences in waste managements in a predefined situation.

Thorough knowledge radiation detection and measurement. Basic knowledge of Chemistry. Basic knowledge of EXCEL.
Number of Participants: 
Time Schedule: 
  • Before September 15:
    The organiser fills the present form and sends it to the CHERNE secretary Isabelle Gerardy ( and to the Bulletin coordinator Agnes Peeters (
  • Before September 30:
    Received proposals are sent by means of the CHERNE Bulletin to all CHERNE partners by the CHERNE secretary and made available on the CHERNE platform (
Erasmus IP: 
Practical organization: 

Accommodation will be organised at the hostel H in Hasselt

Cost for students: 
  • Travel expenses are not covered
  • Accommodation cost (breakfeast included) are covered for non-Uhasselt-students
  • One social event is sponsored
  • All visits and experimental costs are covered
  • 1 guest professor is invited
Extra Information: 

In order to facilitate the entry of waste management facilities (3months in advance) students should express their interest by the 1th July 2017 and register not later than 15 August 2017 with full ID.
Students need also to get an “Excerpt of crimical/juridicial record(s) in order to get access to the waste treatment facility of Belgoprocess. This needs to be asked at the local administrations in your home town and be provided together with the registration forms